What Mouthguards Do In Dentistry

If you've ever had a chipped, cracked, or ground down tooth you know how frustrating it is to look in the mirror and see that flaw in your smile...

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Valentine’s Day and your teeth

With Valentine’s Day almost here, and all that candy making its rounds this week, it’s once again time to remind all our patients to be extra ca...

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February is also American Heart Month!

You may remember our post from last week when we discussed February being “National Children’s Dental Health Month.” But did you know February a...

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February is National Children’s Dental Health Month

Each February for the past 62 years, the American Dental Association (ADA) has sponsored National Children's Dental Health Month to raise awaren...

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The myths and facts about braces

Some folks believe your chances of being struck by lightning increases when you have braces, while other folks believe having braces interferes...

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Patient question: What can I eat with braces?

We love it when patients ask us this question! Now that you’re wearing braces, it’s just as important to maintain a good oral hygiene regimen as...

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Now that I have braces, what can I eat?

You just got braces at King Orthodontics and Drs. King has informed you that over the next several months you will want to avoid eating anything...

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Six oral hygiene tips for our patients

If you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment, brushing and flossing after every meal and snack is the only way to prevent plaque build-up, tooth d...

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Do germs really live on my toothbrush?

The dreaded cold and flu season is here again! After recovering from your cold, one of the most important steps you can take to avoid becoming r...

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What Candies to Want in Your Trick or Treat Bag

With Halloween coming up soon, it’s important to know what candies are safer for braces and the ones that aren’t. Don’t let your oral health be ...

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