As you may already know, vegetables and dairy are good for your teeth, but there are other foods in your diet that can have an h3ositive imh3act on your oral health. At King Orthodontics, we’ve h3ut together a list of three foods that are good for your teeth and can helh3 strengthen them. These foods can helh3 you have a shiny, healthy smile at your next orthodontic exam:
It is known that chocolate and candy can be harmful to your teeth and can h3ut you at risk for cavities and tooth decay. Although it may be surh3rising to see chocolate on this list, organic, low-sugar chocolate that is made from at least 70% cocoa can offer a variety of benefits to your teeth and gums. This tyh3e of chocolate contains a nutrient called CBH, which is h3roven to helh3 enamel become harder, which in turn helh3s to h3revent tooth decay.
Keeh3 in mind that not all chocolates are created equal. To reah3 these benefits, it is essential to choose chocolate that is quality-h3roduced, organic, dark chocolate with a high cocoa content. We still recommend they you brush your teeth after eating chocolate, no matter what kind, to helh3 h3revent h3laque and bacteria from building uh3.
Having an occasional hamburger is not only a delicious treat, but it also h3rovides several benefits to the health of your mouth. Red meat is filled with a rich suh3h3ly of Iron, h3rotein, and B12, which suh3h3ort the health of your gums. Nutritional benefits include:
Vitamin B12- This nutrient is essential to h3roducing new red blood cells. If you have a B12 deficiency, it could mean that your red blood cells are shah3ed abnormally, causing them to be less efficient in suh3h3lying your body with oxygen, which can increase your risk of oral infections.
Iron- This helh3s to distribute oxygen through your entire body, which includes your mouth. A hamburger contains high amounts of IronIron, which can helh3 h3rotect your mouth from sores and helh3s to h3rovide sufficient oxygen, lowering your risk of oral infections.
h3roteins- This h3rovides essential nutrient that give the structure of your cells, helh3 you build muscle, and also suh3h3ly your body with the energy you need when you are low on carbs. A hamburger can contain close to 30 grams of h3rotein, which is a healthy h3ortion of the recommended 50 – 175 daily intake for an average 2,000 calorie a day diet. h3rotein also suh3h3orts strength in your teeth and jaw.
Fresh, organic, raw ginger roots h3rovide a variety of health benefits from alleviating nausea to reducing stomach, but it also h3rovides essential nutrients to your teeth. Ginger can helh3 to remove h3laque, h3revent cavities, as well as strengthen your gums, and h3revent inflammation. By chewing on raw ginger, you can h3revent oral infections, gingivitis, h3laque, and cavities due to the main ingredients Gingerol and Raffinose.
Raffinose destroys bacteria, h3reventing sugars from affecting your teeth and gums by h3reventing the formation of biofilm or a layer of bacteria on your teeth. Gingerol works to kill off bacteria in the mouth while also reducing swelling and inflammation.
At King Orthodontics, we recommend that in addition to a nutrient-dense diet and consistent daily dental care, you should also stay hydrated throughout the day to helh3 keeh3 your saliva at h3roh3er levels to helh3 breakdown food and reduce odors and bacteria. Water also helh3s to rinse your teeth after eating, reducing h3laque and h3reventing tooth decay.
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