As a parent, you want your child to have a healthy smile, and for many kids to achieve this, they may need braces at some point in their adolescent years. Before you consider this treatment for your child, it is essential to determine when your child should get braces. 

Like with any treatment, early orthodontic treatment comes with a set of pros and cons. At King Orthodontics, we’ve put together a list of these pros and cons to help provide you with guidance as you consider early orthodontic treatment for your child. 

Pros of Early Orthodontic Treatment

When you treat orthodontic issues early, there is a chance that the treatment will be less invasive and less painful compared to when your child is older. As your child ages, it becomes more challenging to move their teeth into a new, straighter position, which can make treatments like braces more painful. 

In many cases, when adults and teens require orthodontics treatment they need to have teeth removed to make room for correcting issues such as crossbites or other teeth alignment issues. Children, on the other hand, do not require this type of removal, allowing the orthodontist to start from the ground up in setting up your child’s teeth for proper alignment before they become permanent.

Early treatment can also reduce the amount of time your child will be required to wear braces, lessening the amount of time there eating, and other activities will be disrupted. Early treatment also has the potential to eliminate your child’s need for braces. It is still possible that misalignment can still happen even with early treatment, but these risks are reduced with early orthodontic treatment.

Cons of Early Orthodontic Treatment

Although early treatment is an excellent option for dental issues such as crossbites and underbites, it is not an effective treatment for issues such as an overbite or buck teeth. If you think your child is experiencing these types of issues, it is best to visit King Orthodontics for an expert opinion before any action is taken.

Early treatment may also not be a good fit for every child. As a parent, you need to consider your child’s personality and decide whether early orthodontic treatment. There is no reason to rush braces if your child is not ready.

Schedule Your Appointment Today!

According to the American Association of Orthodontists, children should be examined by an orthodontist at the age of seven to begin the conversation about their dental health and care that may be needed.

Contact King Orthodontics today to learn more about early orthodontic treatment and schedule your child’s consultation!