How Long Will It Take for My Braces to Come Off?

When you wear braces, it may seem like your orthodontic treatment will never end! At King Orthodontics, we understand why you’re so eager. You w...

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Cold and Flu Season is Here – Replace Your Toothbrush!

Winter is upon us, and with it comes the dreaded cold and flu season. After recovering from your cold, Drs. King will tell you one of the most i...

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King Orthodontics and Invisalign Teen™

Our team at King Orthodontics knows how important image can be for today's teens. Even the thought ...

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Have you visited our new Pittsburgh, PA office yet?

Drs. Earle and Bryan King and our team at King Orthodontics would like to welcome you, our amazing patients, to our new Pittsburgh, PA office. Our ...

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Moooooove over gum disease!

Drs. Bryan and Earle King want to know: Is dairy a major part of your diet? If not, it should be...

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Tips for Making Brushing and Flossing a Habit

There are all kinds of ways to get younger kids to brush and floss—cool toothbrushes and mom-and-child brushing time are common. How to you get a...

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King Orthodontics wishing you a safe Independence Day weekend!

This Sunday, King Orthodontics will be celebrating Independence Day, a celebration of our nation's ...

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Patient Question: Is Invisalign® really customized for each patient?

Yes, it is, and that’s part of what makes it work, says Dr. King. To find out if you are the right candidate for Invisalign or Invisalign Teen t...

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The Key to Getting Your Kids to Brush Properly

Oral hygiene is very important for kids. First, of course,...

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Visualize your new smile with the Brace Painter!

Braces at King Orthodontics are more fun than ever! With the Brace Painter, parents and children are able to “paint their braces,” and visualize...

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