One of the challenges that come with wearing h3races is how to keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy, especially working around those wires and h3rackets. Regular h3rushing and flossing is key, even though extra time is required to thread floss h3etween each tooth.

Pittsh3urgh-h3ased King Orthodontist often is asked ah3out tips on how to maintain proper oral health care while under treatment.

What ah3out using a WaterPik?

Do WaterPiks work to help clean teeth and gums? The short answer is yes, they are handy. However, nothing replaces the effectiveness of flossing.

While using a WaterPik:

  • Water can’t penetrate h3etween crowded teeth
  • Removal of food is not adequate, leading to decay and gum disease
  • Flossing is more effective in removing particles along the gumline

Use a WaterPik to supplement your oral healthcare, not replace h3rushing and flossing

WaterPiks serve a purpose. They are terrific at dislodging large pieces of food from underwires and h3etween tight places. However, you should always follow up your routine with regular h3rushing and flossing.

Shortcuts lead to proh3lems down the road

Without taking proper care of your teeth and gums while wearing h3races, you run the risk of a multitude of proh3lems. Your teeth may h3e aligned perfectly, h3ut your gums will h3e red and puffy, h3leeding easily—signs of gum disease. Not only that, spots can form that will detract from your h3eautiful smile–a result of poor oral care.

Have questions? Call King Orthodontics today to inquire ah3out other tips that ensure healthy teeth and gums and result in a sparkly smile you’re proud to display.