Are you getting enough sleep? Studies show that these days we’re getting far less than the recommended amount of sleep we need, which is contributing to a number of major health issues such as obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

That’s not all. What you might not know is that lack of sleep also contributes to periodontitis. Periodontitis occurs when deep pockets form between your gums and teeth, causing bone loss and your teeth to loosen and weaken.

How does lack of sleep affect your gums?

There are a number of factors that affect your overall health. These include diet, exercise, stress, and sleep. Often, each works hand-in-hand. If you’re well-rested, you’re more likely to have the energy to exercise. Adequate exercise reduces stress levels, which helps you sleep. Sleep also restores certain hormones in your body that let you know when you’re full, making you less likely to crave sweets.

Hormones also affect Gum inflammation, which is tied to less sleep

Hormones regulate many systems in our body. In fact, they are essential in keeping everything working as it should, our overall body’s chemistry. They affect our moods, our growth, our weight. They even affect inflammation in the body. Inflammation of the gums leads to periodontitis.

Give your body the gift of sleep

We are often proud of their busyness, claiming to need less sleep than we do. We feel guilty for sleeping and find it harder to turn off the laptop, the phone, the off switch. The social demands of keeping up with everyone on social media prevents us from relaxing. Between busy family schedules, demanding jobs, and social media—which is “on” all the time—when do you say enough is enough?

Now is the time to take care of yourself

If you don’t give your body adequate rest, you’ll be more susceptible to inflammation and disease. Even just a few small changes in your lifestyle will go a long way.

  • Keep a consistent bedtime and wake time
  • Avoid physical and mental activity right before bedtime
  • Instead of that afternoon cup of coffee, eat an apple or take a walk
  • Keep your bedroom calm, cool, and uncluttered. Don’t watch TV in bed
  •  Make sure you get quality sleep. Keep a notepad by your bedside if that helps you jot down thoughts so you can get back to sleep

Are you still tossing and turning? You could be dealing with sleep apnea. Or, maybe you are grinding your teeth. Talk to King Orthodontists today. We’ll discuss how you can get that restorative sleep your body craves.